Thursday, December 5, 2013

Middle Class Hypocrisy

Guderian is in danger of becoming my favourite commenter. Here's another gem from a Spiked article:

Dear Tim
I see you are a bit bewildered by the ways of the modern world. Let me see if I can help you understand 
You see, when the Guardian says something, we call this an "opinion" but when the Daily Mail says something, we call this "being judgemental". That's because Guardian readers are being insightful whereas Daily Mail readers are being prejudiced.
Money is also different, £7.45 an hour is shitty money to most people, but Guardianistas call that "living wage".
Same deal with food. A piece of beef in a bun is a "gourmet burger" in Guardianland but it's junk food when the working class eat it.
And finally sex. When the nice people have sex they are expressing their sublime love for each other but when my window cleaner does his wife he's just giving in to his animal instincts, treating her like an object and perpetuating some kind of macho crap.
So don't fret Tim, eventually you'll get the hang of it.
All the best

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